Friday, April 5, 2013

Doel (2013)

According to a news conference and press release from August 20, 2008, "The Flemish Executive started last week with the demolition of the village of Doel on a massive scale. The historic village is situated in the vicinity of the Port of Antwerp. However there are still 200 inhabitants in the village who resist the demolition of their homes. That is the reason why the Flemish Executive resorted to sending a 100 strong squad of riot police to the village in order to force through the start of the demolition works. The sheer brutality and heavy handed approach of the Flemish Executive has left the remaining villagers humiliated and the wider region in a state of shock. The streets are strewn with rubble, big ugly gaps appeared in between the houses. The village now looks like a war torn zone. But still, the villagers show resilience and announced to go on with their resistance in a bid to save their village."

Sunday, February 3, 2013

RBC Stadion Roosendaal 2013

The RBC Stadion, former name among others Vast & Goed StadionRosada Stadion and MariFlex Stadion, is a multi-use stadium in RoosendaalNetherlands. It was used mostly for football matches. The stadium is able to hold 4,995 people and was built in 2000. It was the home of the club RBC Roosendaal until the club went bankrupt in June 2011.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Open air museum Bokrijk, Belgium

Link on Googlemaps

Bokrijk is a provincial domain in LimburgBelgium, situated near the city of Genk. It is mainly known for its open air museum. The domain is 5.5 square kilometres in area and hosts an important botanical garden (arboretum) and Flanders' largest open air playground.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stadion Wageningse Berg, The Netherlands

Wikipedia ( dutch ) :
FC Wageningen leefde na de overgang naar betaald voetbal enkele jaren op het randje doordat commerciële veranderingen te laat werden doorgezet. Zo was het één van de laatste clubs die een business club oprichtten. Het werd een succes met een inkomstenbron van zo'n 100.000,- gulden per seizoen, maar het kwam te laat. De hoofdsponsor -De Schoenenreus- kwam zelf ook in financiële problemen en verliet de club. Uiteindelijk wist FC Wageningen de schulden nog terug te brengen tot 500.000,- gulden, waarvan het meeste bij de fiscus lag.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Doel, Belgium

According to a news conference and press release from August 20, 2008, "The Flemish Executive started last week with the demolition of the village of Doel on a massive scale. The historic village is situated in the vicinity of the Port of Antwerp. However there are still 200 inhabitants in the village who resist the demolition of their homes. That is the reason why the Flemish Executive resorted to sending a 100 strong squad of riot police to the village in order to force through the start of the demolition works. The sheer brutality and heavy handed approach of the Flemish Executive has left the remaining villagers humiliated and the wider region in a state of shock. The streets are strewn with rubble, big ugly gaps appeared in between the houses. The village now looks like a war torn zone. But still, the villagers show resilience and announced to go on with their resistance in a bid to save their village."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Church Zaandijk, The Netherlands

Link on GoogleMaps

Kijk op Zaandijk ( Dutch ):
(26 juni 2009) - Wie van welke kant ook maar naar het silhouet van Zaandijk kijkt, ziet de Zaandijkerkerk hoog boven de historische bebouwing van deze parel aan de Zaan uittorent.
Of het nou vanaf de Kalverringdijk is, of vanuit het westen langs het Guisveld, Zaandijk kun je niet missen. De kerk wijst op Zaandijk’s ligging aan de Zaan.

Die kerk, 350 jaar het sociaal en cultureel middelpunt van Zaandijk, staat nu te verkommeren en dreigt misschien gesloopt te worden. Zaandijkers, loopt te hoop, zoals eerder door uw actie Oudheidkamer en Zaandijkersluis werden gered!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Durbuy, Belgium

Durbuy on GoogleMaps

Durbuy is often described, albeit without much justification, as the smallest city (sometimes town) in the world.